Improve fuel efficiency with these facts from SmartDriver

The SmartDriver for Highway Trucking (SDHT) training program helps heavy‑duty truck drivers improve their fuel efficiency by up to 35%. In addition to protecting personal income and industry competitiveness, SDHT benefits include reduced
greenhouse gas emissions, less vehicle wear and tear, and increased safety.

Check out the fact sheet

SDHT 04-FactSheet #1_2018-01-10

PDF Version for print or better viewing

SDHT 04-FactSheet #1_2018-01-10



Membership in the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario can be of great benefit to you, whether you provide commercial driver training, employ drivers, or are in some other segment of the transportation industry. Join our association today to become part of this team of professionals whose goal is to improve and unify truck driver training standards, resulting in highly skilled, better prepared, entry-level and re-certified commercial drivers.

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