Get the Most of Your Truck Training Course as a Student

When was the last time you were in school? Five years, ten, years, even more and here you are sitting in a classroom setting again for truck driver training of all things. You thought truck driver training meant driving around in big trucks? You will get to the trucks but there is a number of hours required in the classroom and that can be a big change for someone that hasn’t sat in a classroom for many years.

As an instructor I see it all the time, students sitting in the chair aimlessly looking to the ceiling because they feel the topics don’t apply to the job they have already been promised. Then there are the ones that are partially there because they were told to be, but have no interest in the class at all. Finally we have the group that doesn’t even show up. Most classes there are usually one or two students that fall into one of those groups. For the most part students are attentive and wanting to learn.

So how can you get the most of your course especially when you’re the type of person that isn’t used to sitting in class? There is a lot of information thrown at you at once and it is important to organize the information so you can refer back to it later. It is also important to attend the classes as the course is built on hours and a combination of test scores. Even testing well won’t help you pass if you miss a lot of class time.

Get the most from your training

Get the most of your training with these tips

There are three things you have to do to pass the course, attend the classes, pass the written tests, and pass the practical tests. Leave any one of those out and you fail the course.

Attend the Class: Attending the class and yard training are paramount to your success. The course is built on a number of hours of training and if you are not attending then you haven’t received those hours. No instructor can help you if you don’t attend. Make sure you attend all the scheduled classes.

Pass Written Tests: You will need a mark of at least 80% for all written and computerized tests taken during the course and there is a lot to learn. Air brakes, inspections, defensive driving, and much more will be discussed in the course with various tests in between. I urge students to come to class ready to learn, take notes, and participate in class. Failing your tests are just wasting your time so be prepared and ready to learn.

Pass Practical Exams: Yard work and driving time is where you will put all of that classroom work to use. Whatever you are working on in yard training review those notes from your class in the morning so that the material works together. Take pictures and notes to help you and be serious about your training, it is an investment of your time.

Many students feel that as long as they pass the driving test they are free. The truth is that you can pass the driving test allowing you to be a licenced driver, but still unemployable in the industry. The certificate from the training facility is required to get you in the door of an employer to help qualify for insurance. You will find it hard to get a job without passing your training course.

If you are looking for a certified training school in your area visit for a list of schools and training centres.

About the Author

The Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO) is an association of certified truck driver training schools, insurance providers, and carriers located within Ontario Canada. Learn more about them at

Bruce Outridge is a veteran in the transportation industry with over 40 years of experience in the industry in a variety of roles from driver to fleet supervisor and more. Today he is a media entrepreneur in the industry producing a number of programs within the trucking industry. You can learn more about Bruce, his work, and his trucking podcast at

Disclaimer: This article is written and based on the opinion of the author and is for general information only


Membership in the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario can be of great benefit to you, whether you provide commercial driver training, employ drivers, or are in some other segment of the transportation industry. Join our association today to become part of this team of professionals whose goal is to improve and unify truck driver training standards, resulting in highly skilled, better prepared, entry-level and re-certified commercial drivers.

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