TTSAO Listens to Insurance Providers

Insurance providers and brokers in the transportation area are a valuable key to new drivers being employed by carriers. The carriers have to detail what a successful candidate should know when a course is completed so the insurance companies are directing the carriers.

There have been many rumours about insurance providers preventing new truck drivers from gaining employment over the years. What age can a driver be insured with a company? Does a driver need experience or can they be hired on directly out of school? These questions have been popping up for years and to be honest getting the correct answer has been somewhat of a challenge. That’s because insurance is so complex with multiple layers of evaluation within the insurer and dependency on the insurance rate group that the carrier is a part of for insurance. This allows one company to hire new drivers and the next one to ask for a number of years of experience.

You then also have the carrier themselves with preferences to the type of drivers they prefer in their fleet and much of that is determined by the size of the fleet and the training programs available. Ask ten carriers in the room if they accept new drivers and you will get ten different answers based in their cargo and training specifications.

Over the years the insurance providers registered with the Truck Training School Association of Ontario have become valuable members to the TTSAO membership so much that like the carriers they have created their own group inside the association adding extreme value to the membership. The TTSAO can now work with that group as a body allowing for valuable opinion on how training should be developed to best fit the needs of the carriers. The carriers also gain information on what type of finishing programs they require to be attractive to a wider body of potential employees.

Lisa Areseneau
TTSAO Insurance Group

Lisa Arseneau of Staebler Insurance is the current Director of the TTSAO Insurance Group and has a vast knowledge and network that can help in getting information required on issues with insurance or training. You can learn more about the TTSAO Insurance Group by clicking the here.

Over the years the TTSAO has realized how important one group is to the other and training is sandwiched in the middle. Carriers can’t operate without insurance and carriers need people to drive. All three groups depend on each other for information and guidance on improving the industry and the training provided to new students.

The TTSAO Insurance Group will be holding an open meeting on the first day of the conference happening in February. You can learn more about the conference at and the TTSAO Insurance Group at

Have you registered for the conference?

About the Author

Bruce Outridge has been in the transportation industry for over 30 years. He is an author of the books Driven to Drive and Running By The Mile, and host of The Lead Pedal Podcast. TTSAO also known as the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario has certified member schools in the truck training vocation ensuring quality entry level drivers enter the transportation industry. To learn more about the TTSAO or to find a certified school in your area visit


Membership in the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario can be of great benefit to you, whether you provide commercial driver training, employ drivers, or are in some other segment of the transportation industry. Join our association today to become part of this team of professionals whose goal is to improve and unify truck driver training standards, resulting in highly skilled, better prepared, entry-level and re-certified commercial drivers.

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