Striving for Excellence in Training

Commerical Trucking Insurance Group

TTSAO Insurance Group

The Director of the TTSAO Insurance Group for the current year is Paul Beard of Stoneridge Insurance Brokers

The TTSAO Insurance Group is formed from member insurance companies supporting the training and employment of new and experienced students graduating from certified training facilities within the TTSAO (Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario.

Aviva Canada Inc.

10 Aviva Way
Markham, ON L6G 0G1
Phone: 403.554.5582
Contact: Andrew Stacey

Aviva Canada Inc.

Benson Kearley IFG.

17705 Leslie St #101
Newmarket, ON L3Y 3E3
Phone: 905-898-3815 | Fax: 905-853-6127
Contact: Doug Bundock

Bryson Insurance Ltd

Cowan Insurance Group Ltd.

705 Fountain St N, PO Box 1510
Cambridge, ON N1R 5T2
Phone: 289-919-3317 | Fax: 519-650-6393
Toll Free: 1-866-912-6926
Contact: Michael Neglia

Cowan Insurance Group Ltd.

Economical Insurance

111 Westmount Road South
Waterloo, ON N2J 4S4
Toll Free: 1-800-265-9996

Economical Insurance

Hubbard Insurance Brokers Inc.

Suite 200-55 Superior Blvd W.
Mississauga, ON L5T 2X9
Phone: 905-696-9090 ext 226
Toll Free: 1-800-900-2009
Contact: Joanne Feather

Hubbard Insurance Brokers Inc.

Jones Delauriers Insurance Management Inc.

Contact: Richard Silang
Address: 2375 Skymark Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 4Y6
Phone: 647-632-7334

Jones Deslauriers Logo

Marsh Canada Ltd.

120 Bremner Boulevard, Suite 800
Toronto, ON M5J 0A8
Phone: 1 416 540 7321
Contact: William (Bill) Kalbhenn

Marsh Logo

NFP Canada Corp

35 Stone Church Road
Ancaster, ON L9K 1S5
Phone: 905-648-3922
Toll Free: 888-385-8466
Contact: Randy Ramikissoon


Northbridge Insurance

8 Nicholas Beaver Rd. RR#3
Guelph, ON N1H 6H9
Phone: 519-763-2383 | Fax: 519-763-8773
Contact: Dave Goruk

Northbridge Insurance

Staebler Insurance Brokers

51 Breithaupt St., Suite 100
Kitchener, ON N2H 5G5
Phone 519-743-5221
Toll Free 800-321-9187
Contact: Luke Upfold

Staebler Insurance Brokers

CDL Insurance Support

This page includes reference letters from industry insurance companies supporting the TTSAO (Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario) and the training systems put in place to ensure new applicants to the industry are properly trained.

Northbridge Insurance

At Northbridge Insurance, our driver eligibility criteria are similar to the best practices use by to employers in North America’s trucking industry today. As such, we’re proud to support the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO)…

Staebler Insurance Brokers

Staebler Insurance is proud to support and work with the TTSAO in building better drivers in Ontario. Due to the very critical, accredited curriculums that are mandatory for the members of the TTSAO…

The Guarantee Company of North America

We acknowledge that TTSAO provides the core fundamental skills and knowledge base required of a professional transport driver and a graduate of a TTSAO approved school could be considered a preferred hiring candidate for professionally managed fleets…

The Guarantee Company of North America

As members of the TTSAO Insurance Group and independent insurers and brokerages we are in support of the TTSAO’s initiative to increase the current $40 hr. cap related to instruction provided by truck training schools…

About The Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario

Why TTSAO & Recommendations

The TTSAO Insurance Group consists of insurance brokers and insurance company representatives who are members of the TTSAO. The group works with the TTSAO Board of Directors and membered schools to increase awareness and education.

The TTSAO Insurance Group participates in lobbying efforts, Instructor certification/recognition and driver eligibility.