The TTSAO led committee is represented by all facets of the industry and will be providing insights and recommendations for regulatory change to MTO.
The group is comprised of the following industry experts
- Cecilia Omole – Insurance Bureau of Canada
- Geoff Wood – Ontario Trucking Association
- Shelley Walker – Women’s Trucking Federation of Canada
- Jim Campbell – Continental Trucking Safety Association
- Brian Patterson – Ontario Safety League
- Travis McDougall – Truckers for Safer Highways
- Gus Rahim – Ontario Truck Driving School
- Gogi Grewal – Southern Ontario Safety Association
- Ken Adams – Chair, TTSAO
- Raj Walia – Canada Truck Operators Association
- Lesley de Repentigny – DriveWise/Knowledge Surge
- Alia Galal – SmartFreight Center/ U of T
- Shane Cutler – Cutler TCMS
- Yvette Lagrois – Ontario Truck Training Academy
- Philip Fletcher – TTSAO
The groups purpose is to create a white paper with recommendations to present to the MTO on Truck Driver Training as it relates to bill 197 – particularly as it relates to entry level training.