Become a Part of the TTSAO
The Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO) is a group of certified schools and members holding a certain level of training as a standard for the transportation industry. Over the years the TTSAO has grown in membership and is now recognized as a professional association within the transportation industry. The association has a membership that includes certified accredited schools, quality carriers, insurance partners, and industry associates. With a strong membership and recent changes to training regulations make being an accredited school with TTSAO an attractive group to belong too. The next question is how do you become part of the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario? Below is information to help you get started.

I Already Have a School
If you already have a school that meets the criteria and is registered with the Private Career Colleges then you can request an audit of your school and apply to be a member as a TTSAO Accredited School. Contact the TTSAO at to apply to the Association.
Below is a Pre-Qualification Standard (Checklist) for you to go through to ensure you have all the documents required for your school.
I am Currently Setting up a School
1 – The first step in becoming a School Member is ensuring you are approved as a Private Career College (PCC) by the Ministry Of Training, Colleges and Universities. Once you have your certification you can contact the TTSAO and apply for a Pre Qualification visit. The fee is $450.00 and once payment is confirmed a date is set for a visit by the TTSAO.
Download the Pre-Qualification Standard (Checklist) for you to go through to ensure you have all the documents required for your school.
Pre-Qualifications Standards [DOWNLOAD]
PQ Checklist – Website Disclaimer [DOWNLOAD]
2 – Register with Private Career Colleges
3 – Apply with TTSAO for Approval

I Don’t Have a School but Have a Program for Training Centres
If you offer services for the educational market such as programming or other services then you would register as an affiliate to the career colleges.
Businesses that deal with career colleges on a regular basis may need to register their programs. You can do so by visiting