Four Years of College VS Four Years of Trucking-Which is Better?

I had an interesting conversation with a business colleague the other day. The conversation originally started as he is trying to be elected to the School Board in an upcoming election. When I asked him why he was running as he was already successful and way past college age he said it was because over the pandemic he learned about the curriculum being used in the schools while hanging out with his Grandkids. The conversation quickly went from teaching the basics to learning the basics of life. I told him that’s why I got out of school in grade eleven. A little surprised he began to say that school really didn’t prepare him for life from college onward. I know that is true for myself as many lessons I have learned in life came from my life of trucking on the road.

Now I am not knocking college or school in general and anyone that knows me knows I am an education hound, I love learning. I just think in many ways formal education doesn’t prepare someone for what life has in store for us after those school years. Now to be totally clear I think if you have the opportunity to go to college or university then you should go. It will help you a lot no matter what you do after school. However there are many of people like me that won’t be going to college or have the opportunity to attend school. What does that mean for them?

The best university on the planet is right outside the door. Geography, people skills, travel, communication, mechanics, driving skills, trip planning, math, languages, culture, and much more. Sounds like university to me. Here’s the best part you get paid, you work in an industry that always has work, and you won’t owe any school loans. So far trucking is in the lead in my opinion. University will prepare you for one or two career paths based on the courses chosen at school. Trucking will prepare you for many different career paths both in and out of the truck. Think of it in terms of a tree. University is like a tall Oak with little branches going off in different directions where as trucking is like a beautiful Maple with branches going off in different directions closer to the base of the trunk.

Four Years in College or Four Years in Trucking-Which is Better?

When I talk to my colleagues in the transportation industry I often find we have similar career paths from little school education to starting our careers driving the truck. Today those people have blossomed into safety personnel, insurance providers, trucking company owners, media producers, and much more. They all have great lives, enjoy their work, and wouldn’t change a thing in the way they are brought up or how their careers developed.

If you know what you want to do for a career then college or university may be for you and we wish you luck. For me I vote for four years of trucking. If you don’t know what you want to do or don’t have the opportunity to attend formal education then trucking is waiting for you. The door is open and we’ll even let you drive!

Learn more about opportunities in the trucking industry by talking with one of the TTSAO Accredited Schools or one of the Carriers listed in our TTSAO Carrier Group.

About the Author

Bruce Outridge is a veteran in the transportation industry with over 40 years in the industry in a variety of roles from driver to fleet supervisor and more. Today he is a media specialist in the industry producing a number of programs for the trucking industry such as his trucking podcast The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers at or his radio station Lead Pedal Radio at

Disclaimer: This article is written and based on the opinion of the author and is for general information only


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