The Value of the TTSAO Conference: The Corner Conversation

There has been a few conferences and events that have gone back to in-person events since restrictions opened up in August. Although attendance is still not at full throttle things are beginning to come back and people are looking forward to meeting again in person. I can tell you the last few events that I attended were high energy events. People were happy to see those they haven’t seen for two years. Being able to talk to people and ask questions over a cup of coffee brought valuable information for those interested in seeking out the adventure.

I know what you’re thinking, I’ve gotten used to doing Zoom conferences and being able to attend in fuzzy slippers. I agree there are some great advantages to attending events from home. You have no commute, don’t have to get dressed (below the waste anyway), and can do other work while the event plays in the background. Awesome right? Yes and no, while there are many advantages, there is one thing missing even with all of those advantages, the “corner conversation”.

That’s right the power of most in-person events are the corner conversations and the networking that you don’t get online. As a person that is online all the time I understand the benefits but one thing I am always missing is that true connection with others. Those private conversations with a certain group or the power of a handshake when meeting someone for the first time. Being able to talk to a presenter afterwards to get clarity on something said in a presentation or to just say hello are all things that you don’t get online.

Kim Richardson talks about the power of attending the TTSAO Conference

What about Covid?

We understand that many people are still hesitant about the virus and restrictions change on a regular basis so it can be very confusing about who will be at the events and what protocols are in place. I can tell you from being someone that attends many events I have felt very safe at the conferences attended. Seating has been social distanced and vaccine status has been checked at the door. Several events have had stickers that can be applied to your badge to let others know your comfort level for contact with green being a handshake or more, yellow being a fist or elbow bump, and red being no contact at all. Masks are worn whenever moving about and there have been more than enough hand sanitizers to go around.

You may still be asking why you should attend? The world of business has changed and in my opinion will continue to change for the future. People have found new ways to do things and have found new comfort in being at home with a flexible schedule. The way business is done has begun to change and that means your business has to change with the times. That is why it is imperative that you attend as those tips or ideas come from live events.

Gerald Carroll talks about what is coming up for the 2022 conference:

So it’s up to you whether you attend the conference but I would highly suggest that you do. Not just for the incredible information you will hear from the presenters or the chance to network with some old friends. You want those corner conversations where an idea can flourish and possibly even grow into a new venture or partnership. Those are the tangibles that happen at in-person events. You can learn more about the conference at and we hope to see you there on February 23-24th 2022.

About the Author

Bruce Outridge is a veteran in the transportation industry with over 40 years in the industry in a variety of roles from driver to fleet supervisor and more. Today he is a media entrepreneur in the industry producing a number of programs within the trucking industry. You can learn more about Bruce and his work and his trucking podcast at

Disclaimer: This article is written and based on the opinion of the author and is for general information only


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