Your first inspection priority is to assess the vehicle from outside.
When walking toward your vehicle, look to see if it is balanced, or leaning to one side. If there is a noticeable lean, there may
be a problem with a broken strut, shifted load, or spring damage. Check those items.
When you are close to the vehicle check the license plate to see if it is fastened securely, and has the current sticker affixed.
Then walk around to the driver’s side and check for the safety permit, the yellow sticker, usually attached to the window. The
date should be current, and this can be cross referenced when you enter the vehicle and check vehicle permits.
Other stickers to verify if they are current are the IFTA sticker and the New York Heavy Use Tax.
If your power unit is attached to a trailer, check that trailer’s sticker for expiry and this should not be close to the expiry date.
While there make sure the fairings are secure, the steps behind the cab are not damaged and are secure, and the air lines are
properly attached and hung.
Next Tip will be about physical checks to the Exterior.

Calling all Instructors and TTSAO Acreddited Schools
We invite you to submit your training tips to share in next week’s Training Tip of the Week. Your participation and offerings will truly benefit all our students, and we greatly appreciate your support. Thank you!