A slight departure from the rotation here, as Russ did emphasize the need for Defensive Driving!
There are many, many characteristics of a good defensive driver. Perhaps the 1 st one is the most important. Don’t take the other drivers’ abilities for granted. Prepare for them to do the unexpected.
Every day that you will be driving you will see something done improperly, and a possible reason for a collision. And each time it will likely be something you haven’t seen before.
So always have an ‘out’. This is part of your professional driving experience, make sure you have a plan to escape a problem situation. This will become a normal pattern of your driving experience once you have enough time on the road.
For students at a school, the instructor will likely perform this function. But grads need to be ready to do this on their own when in their jobs. Instructors should pass this practice on to their students while in the truck on a lesson.
Plan ahead, always have an ‘out’ and don’t have blind trust of those around you.
Next Tip will be about physical checks to the Exterior.

Calling all Instructors and TTSAO Acreddited Schools
We invite you to submit your training tips to share in next week’s Training Tip of the Week. Your participation and offerings will truly benefit all our students, and we greatly appreciate your support. Thank you!