TTSAO Training Tip – Driver Distractibility

TTSAO Training Tip – Driver Distractibility

This Training Tip of the Week will take us down a different road, where we’ll talk about Driver Distractibility! This is an article on a small item that affects more drivers than you would think. The best method is to educate your students about different types of distractions (and how to avoid them). Have you ever driven your car with a […]

TTSAO Training Tip – Be Prepared to Stop Safely in the City

TTSAO Training Tip – Be Prepared to Stop Safely in the City

We are training our students and drivers to be prepared to stop safely in the city when the traffic light turns red. All of us know that the cautionary yellow means STOP, if you can do so safely. It does not mean speed up to get through the intersection before the light turns red, nor does it mean […]

TTSAO Training Tip – Perform a walk around / safety check every time you stop.

TTSAO Training Tip – Perform a walk around / safety check every time you stop.

This weeks training tip is provided to us by Roland Winnan, the TTSAO 2023 Instructor of the year! Here is Roland’s Safety Tip of the Week! You are a transport truck driver. It is your responsibility to be safe on the road. Your safe driving directly impacts other motorists around you. Here is an essential […]

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