Tag: carriers

Using the TTSAO Carrier Group to Get The Best Job for You!

Using the TTSAO Carrier Group to Get The Best Job for You! truck driver in drivers cab

It is amazing to see the way that people look for jobs these days. With all of the technology and information they still have a habit of asking a friend down the street or looking at a business that is on their block. I see it all the time in training classes with new drivers […]

The Humboldt Tragedy Shows Us Why You Want to Work for a Good Carrier

The Humboldt Tragedy Shows Us Why You Want to Work for a Good Carrier depressed-person

The Humboldt Tragedy Shows Us Why You Want to Work for a Good Carrier Many new people coming into the industry are often looking for a fast way to make money quickly. That is understandable as many have been out of work, paying for training, or have other commitments and will often take the first […]

Welcome new members Altanic Transportation and Keypoint Carriers

Welcome new members Altanic Transportation and Keypoint Carriers ttsao-truck-

Welcome new members in the Carrier Group Altanic Transportation and Keypoint Carriers. Welcome to the TTSAO family. Keypoint Carriers Ltd Contact: Dave Lord Email: dlord@keypointcarriers.com Website: www.keypointcariers.com Altanic Transportation Inc. Contact: Roger Douthwaite Email: roger@altanic.ca Website: www.altanic.ca

The Benefits of Hiring a Driver with Military Background

The Benefits of Hiring a Driver with Military Background Military-Trucks

Talk to any recruiter about the importance of finding the right candidate for their team and you will get a whole list of reasons why this is important. Company culture, technical aspects of the job, and independent decision making are all aspects that many team members need to be successful at their jobs. Finding the […]

Should you work for a carrier based on here-say?

Should you work for a carrier based on here-say? red truck

Should you work for a carrier based on here-say? I was reading some posts the other day from beginning drivers in the United States talking about the type of carrier they wanted to work for and I found it interesting to view the conversation from someone within the industry. The chat was really about large […]

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