Tag: transport companies

Filling Driver Demand With Foreign Workers

Filling Driver Demand With Foreign Workers foreign truck driver

Our industry has been in a driver shortage for some time now and things don’t seem to be getting better anytime soon. I remember in the 90’s when the industry began to see drivers move into the industry and the mood of transportation began to change. Today the industry is primarily 70% foreign workers when […]

Have you nominated your instructor for the Instructor of The Year Award

Have you nominated your instructor for the Instructor of The Year Award TTSAO December 11th Meeting

There is a new award  being presented at the annual TTSAO Conference happening on February 27th-28th, 2019. The TTSAO-PayBright Instructor of the Year Award is being launched to help recognize professional instructors in the transportation industry. Cut off dates for the nominations are February 14th, 2019. Nominate your instructor and check out the criteria through […]

Have Good Customer Service Skills-Try Driving Coach

Have Good Customer Service Skills-Try Driving Coach Coach-Buses jobs

We have a bad habit of focusing much of our efforts on getting drivers into driving trucks especially over the road in our industry. I won’t lie to you that is where the bulk of the jobs are in the transportation industry, but those certainly aren’t the only jobs. A carrier can be anyone from […]

Reading between the lines of an interview

Reading between the lines of an interview man talking on telephone

Interviews can be tough! You work hard to get prepared for the interview, work on your answers with friends and family, and pray before the interview that everything is in order. You get through the interview sweating the whole way with no direction or indicators as to whether you did well or not. Did you […]

What will your journey be?

What will your journey be? Man-with-blue-truck

As we roll into 2019 I have been watching some of the career paths for truck drivers and wonder why people don’t take a more serious look at the trucking industry as a viable career choice. There are good and bad stories out there from the world of transportation but those willing to push through […]

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