Truck Driver Training is an Investment

If you can’t back up here, you won’t be able to back up in New Jersey! Since Mandatory Entry Level Training came into effect a few years ago it was meant to make our roads safer by ensuring that the…
If you can’t back up here, you won’t be able to back up in New Jersey! Since Mandatory Entry Level Training came into effect a few years ago it was meant to make our roads safer by ensuring that the…
As if there wasn’t enough questions to ask that school that you are looking at taking your training with you now have to ask about the type of trucks they have in the fleet. A new person investigating training may…
In a recent article I wrote about certified training and why new drivers need to ensure the training they receive from a facility will offer them the best advantage for employment in the future. Does that certified training include certified…
You read about it all the time, a student promised a job after completing a partial course by a trucking school and then in the end it falls through. You hear stories of students that were promised their licence to…
Retention vs Recruiting; Which Comes First? It’s funny how we always say recruiting and retention when we talk about the hiring process, but is that putting our efforts into the wrong frame of mind? How many times have you heard…
HAMILTON, ON – May 6, 2021 – You’re invited to attend the TTSAO Carrier Group’s virtual meeting onThursday, May 13, from 11 a.m. – noon (EST), where industry leaders will talk about the importance ofproper recruitment and retention, attracting and…