Category: Truck Driver Tips

young co-workers

Oct 19 2021

Canada’s Driver Shortage-We Need You!

Canada is quietly creeping into a deep hole through the driver shortage that’s been looming for years over our heads. Britain is already going through it as the Army is called in to help deliver fuel to gas stations. They say this is a mix of not enough workers and the Brexit Immigration changes. The […]

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Oct 11 2021

Upgrading Your Licence Through Your Company

One way to solidify your job with your employer is to be as valuable to them as possible. That’s right when you look at the assets of a company the balance sheet may show trucks, office space, and computers as company assets but every employer will tell you that people are the their biggest asset. […]

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truck driver in drivers cab

Aug 25 2021

Truck Driver Student to Business Owner Timeline

This question comes up all the time in class, “When should I buy a truck?” This is a very hard question to answer because it is based on a number of variables such as the experience of the person, determination for success, and mindset or business acumen. Not everyone should buy a truck or be […]

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Trucks in mountains

Aug 16 2021

Don’t Be Afraid to Jump into Long Haul Trucking as a New Driver

It’s not uncommon for new students to feel intimidated by the world of trucking. Many times new students are thrust from unemployment to a thriving industry with regulations, a variety of processes, and a different lifestyle than what many are used to living. These options leave many students scared and intimidated to the point that […]

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Jul 26 2021

Tips for Starting Your Job Search for a Trucking Job as a New Driver

Are you in a truck driving school right now wondering where you will find a job when you finish your course? Many students are wondering about that fact and I often find students take a lazy daisy approach to finding a job. In fact not only do many take a wait and see attitude but […]

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Jun 21 2021

Are You Attending the Right School: School Fraud in the Trucking Industry

Are you attending the right school? School fraud is a big problem in North America and with our global business environment and students trying to improve their lives from other countries there are a lot of people signing up for training all the time thinking it will give them a better future. Often it turns […]

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