Tag: truck training schools association of ontartio

We Say We’re the Safest; But Are We?

We Say We’re the Safest; But Are We? Pipe Truck

I had an interesting conversation with a driver who has been on the road for ten years driving from Ontario to British Columbia on my radio show the other day. He echoed sentiments about the trucking industry that I have been hearing for a few years now regarding safety on the road that veteran drivers […]

Women Bring Social Awareness to Trucking

Women Bring Social Awareness to Trucking Women in Trucking Industry

As we pass through International Women’s Day it is important go take a look at the changes women have brought to the forefront in transportation. We all know how well women do as drivers in the industry and many of them have become life long veterans and well respected in the industry. I find the […]

Wheel Offs-Still an Industry Problem

Wheel Offs-Still an Industry Problem Wheel Assembly

They’re big, they roll fast, and they can kill people and cause destruction as they move along their path. They are called Wheels! Wheels separated from a vehicle gain the same speed as the vehicle they were on but there is no way of steering or stopping them until they hit something bigger than they […]

TTSAO and Fleet Safety Council Partner for Wheel Off Webinar – March 30th

TTSAO and Fleet Safety Council Partner for Wheel Off Webinar – March 30th FSC TTSAO Wheel Offs

The Fleet Safety Council and TTSAO have partnered to present an upcoming webinar on Wheel Offs with a special presentation from Bridgestone Tires. You can register for the webinar on March 30th through the link below. REGISTER HERE REGISTER HERE About the TTSAO Founded in 1993, the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO) is […]

Trucking Students Can Help Combat Human Trafficking

Trucking Students Can Help Combat Human Trafficking Human Trafficking Trailer

You’re never too old to learn and that is very true. Things I know now if I had known those same things back when I was young I may have been able to help many more people than I did. You see us older drivers possibly may have seen human trafficking happening right under our […]

3 Branding Mistakes With Training Businesses

3 Branding Mistakes With Training Businesses Teacher-in-front-of-class

You’ve made the plunge and started a training facility. You have your courses registered and ready to go. You have your instructor, truck with your logo on it, and a flashy new business card. Now what? If you’re like most of us you expect the phone to ring off the hook, but nothing, crickets! If […]

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