Tag: truck training schools association of ontartio

You Can’t Shortcut Proper Training

You Can’t Shortcut Proper Training Teacher-in-front-of-class

Training is there for a reason to ensure that the people driving beside us on the highway have the skills to handle their vehicle in a safe manner. When training is cut to push someone through faster it can damage the future for that person but go even further and make the roadway unsafe for […]

Marijuana & Trucking- Could it Be Part of the Driver Shortage

Marijuana & Trucking- Could it Be Part of the Driver Shortage Millennials

Canada made Marijuana legal a few years ago after many States had gone the same route. It seemed like a logical choice to many Canadians however in the trucking industry it created some very grey areas for individuals that like to use the drug, but have a job that requires that they be drug free. […]

Focus on the Benefits of Your Trucking Job

Focus on the Benefits of Your Trucking Job Truck-driver-in-cab

Have you ever been with a bunch of friends talking about your job and find that one person isn’t as excited as you are, they can quickly take the conversation from a fairly positive one to a negative one in a hurry. Before you know it everyone hates their job even if they work for […]

A Good Mentor Stays With You for Life

A Good Mentor Stays With You for Life Truck-Driver-Putting-Gloves-On

We are talking mentorship this month at the TTSAO and our last article we introduced that mentorship is a program that should happen fairly naturally to be effective. The right mentorship can be a game changer in your career and although it can be hard to put together it can stay with you for a […]

Mentorship-Apply It Naturally

Mentorship-Apply It Naturally Magic of Mentorship event

Before the pandemic mentorship was a hot topic in transportation. Carriers were creating mentorship programs and drivers were being paired up like a team sport. Then the pandemic hit and no one was allowed within six feet of another person and mentor programs seemed to fizzle out into nothing. As we ease out of the […]

It’s Crazy How Much Money They Give Your for Training

It’s Crazy How Much Money They Give Your for Training Heavy Equipment Picture

As I was teaching a class the other day the topic switched to training and finding jobs. One student said, “It’s crazy how much money they give you for training!” His program allotted him $24,000 for his heavy equipment course and said they allow up to $28,000 within The Second Careers Program. “I was amazed […]

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