Category: Industry Professionalism

Pipe Truck

Mar 16 2022

We Say We’re the Safest; But Are We?

I had an interesting conversation with a driver who has been on the road for ten years driving from Ontario to British Columbia on my radio show the other day. He echoed sentiments about the trucking industry that I have been hearing for a few years now regarding safety on the road that veteran drivers […]

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Women in Trucking Industry

Mar 9 2022

Women Bring Social Awareness to Trucking

As we pass through International Women’s Day it is important go take a look at the changes women have brought to the forefront in transportation. We all know how well women do as drivers in the industry and many of them have become life long veterans and well respected in the industry. I find the […]

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Human Trafficking Trailer

Feb 15 2022

Trucking Students Can Help Combat Human Trafficking

You’re never too old to learn and that is very true. Things I know now if I had known those same things back when I was young I may have been able to help many more people than I did. You see us older drivers possibly may have seen human trafficking happening right under our […]

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Feb 2 2022

Women Should Not Be Afraid of Trucking

A friend wrote to me the other day about whether women can be truck drivers. She had a friend that asked her and even though she had some experience around trucks in her own life it was not something she really knew about so she asked another person she knew that was a driver. In […]

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Jan 19 2022

Don’t Ruin Your Life Because of Bad Decisions

The trucking industry is very much about decisions and your truck training is part of that decision making process. Good training, a good carrier, and strong supportive culture are all important to ensure you make the right decisions going down the road. Too many times we have seen the wrong decision turn into horrific crashes […]

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Instructor of the Year Award

Jan 5 2022

Are You Employing the Instructor of the Year?

I know with the pandemic you possibly forgot that you employ some great people, after all they have possibly been working from home for the last two years. Hopefully you remember their names? When we are around our teams all the time and things are operating in full gear it is easy to see the […]

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